We believe Jesus befriends the lost, the broken, and the outcast. This belief compels us to serve those our society overlooks and forgets. The primary way we collectively do this is through the Good Uplifting Times Bible Study (GUTBS).

What is GUTBS?

GUTBS is a ministry where we pick up those with various troubles from group homes in Concord and bring them to church. Twice a month we serve them a meal and have a Bible study with them. Jesus loves these people and we do as well. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and image-bearers of God – we are priviliged to have them as a part of our church family!

How Can I Serve?

We love having people cook meals, drive the mini-bus, or ride along as a helper.

What Other Local Outreaches Do You Have?

We believe that the best thing we can do for our people is empower them to live on mission wherever God has placed them. This means we desire to do less from the center and more on the ground through groups and through where we live our lives. Outreach happens where the people of the church live as followers of Jesus right where God has placed them.